Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Few references and tutorials

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hoo La La ... My Site

Learning did not seem so good anytime as I was enjoying this phase. I was learning html and css and was experimenting the things. Sometimes I used  to get scared too... if I mess up then what??

Then it was brought to my thought that "You never learn things without mistakes.... Mistakes teach you better"... Am I wrong?   What if I do mess up the site, I will be learning more techniques and solutions to solve the issue. There was no harm in experimenting.

You know what I used to bug my friends a lot and sometimes they even hide from being online... may be I was pakaoo :D But all of them were too sweet and nice to guide me, whenever I needed their help they used to be there and always supported me.

And so the process of site creation proceeded. I had to do a lot of googling for the contents, images for my site. Managing the content was a tedious job.. uff. How the page should be, what the page name should be? Do all the content in the same page look good, do I need to break it, What image do I need to use.. Oh My God!!! it was a tough job.

But somehow, one by one pages were built and added to site, sometimes messed up the previous contents added new contents.. things went well. However,  I was enjoying whatever I was doing.... The thought that something I was trying on myself  which is very good and useful got me satisfied. I was not doing any kind of boring stuff and so I was very Happy .. some kind of self content.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Website...Oh my God..

I have tried creating a website.. went through all phases but could not get a start. I was looking for a topic to start with...but always got confused with. I had started with a demo and the complete thing messed up. Actually, instead of concentrating on a particular topic, I just could not stick to one topic and finally messed up. :(

In fact, I had not designed the tasks as to how the task needs to be processed and how to proceed. No proper systematic way of implementing the things, ideas I had which led to lots of confusions and so I have messed up the things and I failed in my attempt.

Thankfully, a friend suggested me to create the site with css, but I did not know the css coding. I decided instead of having all together, stick to one topic and I started learning css and embedding into HTML for the topic chosen and believe me. Finally I decided on one topic. It was interesting better than the previous stuffs I had done :-p
  and to be frank I was totally enjoying it..

Thursday, September 17, 2009

How to Create a website

For long, I have been wondering, how to create a site and use it. But to my rescue one of my friend suggested me few tips... helpful tips to begin with.
Site creation seems to be a kids game. No wonders, kids in the primary schools are more net savy to sites and the tools available, I can say so coz I have watched my niece doing all stuffs.

Today, if you wanna create sites there are softwares/tools, the site builders available on net like.. SiteDelux, CM4all, Weebly, FrontPage and many more to go which helps u create the sites you want with the inbuilt templates and various tools to make your work easier.
You can also try your hands on scripting if you are keen in programming, designing and learn new stuffs and techniques.

If you are a beginner, tempting to create something on your own then the first step you cando is :
try for an image or template site available on net and try to recreate the same using the site builder tools you have in your hosting account. Once the site is created try implying your own new ideas, creativity and so on... your site creation begins and you will enjoy it :)