Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Few references and tutorials

In my task, Google has been the true friend to rely upon, a helping hand. Most of the information were fetched through the search engines. Not only the contents but the tutorials which was a helping hand in learning the stuffs such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

There is a saying so "Where there is a Will there is a Way". If you get good tutorials which explains and contains simple, understandable language learning becomes much easier. You will start loving. Also practicals with theory helps a lot in coding. try to debug things experiment and check the outcome.

Well.... I noticed that throughout the blog I forgot to mention the tools and the tutorial references I used... which might be of use to anybody who comes across my blog by chance.... can't expect many hits na...... :D.

Knowledge needs to be shared, imparted. With sharing you gain more knowledge the perspective widens. Here are the list of few materials I had used for my site:

Well I am working in a Web Hosting company so the basic materials I needed were already there... the basic knowledge of web hosting and site , account to test the site online. I used xampp to create the site offline. Its a wonderful tool. I had used secure shell as the online editorat times and editplus as the editor for HTML , Javascript content.

CSS being the designers view, I needed to check the changes and the effects on site. Since I used Mozilla browser, I had the advantage of adding the add-ons like Firebug and Web developer.... the perfect tools to check the output as you code in. You would be able to notice how the template, design would look while creating and designing the stylesheets.

Here are the few tutorials I have referred to:
CSS tutorials -  http://reference.sitepoint.com/css
JavaScript -
  • http://reference.sitepoint.com/javascript
  • http://www.javascriptmall.com/learn/
  • http://www.webmonkey.com/codelibrary/tag/javascript
  • http://www.javascriptkit.com/cutpastejava.shtml

Besides these you can refer the sites: w3schools.com and tizag.com which are simple to learn any programming languages.

May be this be of help to you as well...

Check my site at  : My site or Lord Ganesha's Site

Still editing it so may be few links may not be fine...

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